We made these as a last minute little token from Kindergarten. I have made pillowcases in the past with a poem but there just wasn't any time this year. The kids wrote out their information , I painted their hand print, and then they drew a self-portrait before everyone signed their names. I hope the parents enjoy this little keepsake.
Can you tell my theme for next year? I ordered everything owls....from nameplates to incentive charts. I had this class make these little cuties using old wallpaper books to add some spice. I plan to hang them from the ceiling before the new kiddos arrive in August.
The before picture....sorting out the game shelf can be quite a task. Especially after the long winter we had this year!
Phew! That took a while but it was well worth it =)
My friends from school participated with me in the 5K Color Vibe this past weekend. I have run more than a handful of half marathons in recent years but this was BY FAR the most fun I have ever had at a race. There was an awesome band, lots of energy, and good laughs. We can't wait to do it again next year!
On a personal note, my 'baby' is graduating from Fifth Grade today and he is so excited! The kids all got t-shirts with their names printed as a class on the back with a ceremony full of fun. They did a slide show with their kindergarten picture (seen here on the left) and present picture (on right). Onto middle school next year to experience more adventures. Kids are thrilled to be out! I can't wait to spend the summer with them when my district finishes up next week. Have a great weekend!
I love owls! I just added "Follow Me" icons to my blog that are cute little owls! Your son is adorable- in both pictures!
Teachers Are Terrific!