Friday, January 22, 2016

Five for Friday: Writing, Wonka, & Penguins

Lol! This is so true! I use every second of my day without taking a lunch since I have to take my kids to the sitter in the morning and pick him up after school. I'm on a fixed schedule =)

We finished up our Martin Luther King, Jr. study with writing about our own dreams. This was a great opportunity to review speech and thought bubbles in our writing as well. I loved the one that said he wished it was summer again. too =)

Our district started our second annual One District, One Book (ODOB). This year we are studying "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Kids went on a scavenger hunt to find our basket of books and one lucky kiddo found a gold ticket in her book so she won a purple top hat. They were very excited!

We studied penguins inside and out this week. We made an anchor chart, talked about the parts of the penguin, made a life cycle flip book, and much more. You can check out all of the goodies in my penguin pack that I just posted. Lots of interactive and differentiated fun for everyone. 

I love to hear my kinders read! Here is my friends reading her flip book to me!

On of my favorite things on a Monday is to hear about what everyone did over the weekend. It is a great way to ease ourselves back into the work week. I am so happy with how well their writing is getting!

How come the short weeks seem so long? LOL! I've been fighting a cold but still trying to get my runs in as I'm signing up with a group of friends for a local Half Marathon. It's the day after we get out of school for summer. A great way to celebrate!

 I'm ready for Spring Break and warmer weather. How about you?

Have a great weekend!


  1. Love their journal entries! And your penguin unit looks great!!

  2. I'm on a fixed schedule too! It's nice to hear of someone else who makes the most of their time and can't stay late after school. I feel guilty at times, but that's the way it goes, I least until my kids get older!!
